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Supply Chain -

cv iconCurriculum disponibile alle aziende / profilo:86665
I am a Management and Industrial Engineer, graduated at Polytechnic University of Milan, currently working at Intys Consulting in Belgium. My ambition is to work in a modern and fast paced company, interacting with different cultures, achieving success and career development and I am now looking for a new challenge in Switzerland in the field of Supply Chain Management and Operational Excellence.
Da contattare:

 Curriculum del profilo 86665 

Nome: ndjwyTTRyX ndjwyTTRyX

Email: IKlUg IKlUgIKlUg

Indirizzo: JnXWpTTW JnXWpTTW

Telefono: + 1455773552

Le informazioni sono visibili solo alle aziende qualificate.